Blue Heart
January 2017
You're Funding the Indigenous Environmental Network
“Above all, fight to protect all life; be a voice for all those that can’t speak and never give up hope.”
"Always remember: you’re not guaranteed change when you make your voice heard against injustice; but you’re guaranteed to fail if you remain silent.”
- Kandi Mossett, Indigenous Environmental Action Network
Kandi Mossett speaks from Standing Rock
January Recommended Actions
Indigenous Environmental Network is calling on its supporters to take these steps
Level 1: Move Your Own Money

In the last few months, thousands of Americans moved their money out of the banks who are funding the Dakota Access Pipeline. Over $40 million has already been pulled from DAPL-funding banks by individual account holders, according to DefundDAPL data.
Increasing investor risk is one of the most powerful strategies for cutting off DAPL at its source: its financing structure. The Indigenous Environmental Network and tribal leaders are asking supporters of the Standing Rock movement to keep building the divestment pressure. Will you join in?
Level 2: Ask Your Financial & State Government Institutions to Move Their Money

California Blue Heart members: A new state bill would require CA to divest the 1.1 million+ shares it owns of Energy Transfer Partners, the company behind in the pipeline. We give you step-by-step guidance on how to ask your representative to support it.
Seattle Blue Heart members: The City of Seattle is considering breaking ties with Wells Fargo, worth $3 billion of business. We give you resources on how to get involved.
All Blue Heart members: Put pressure on the banks financing the pipeline to pull their support. You don't need to be an account holder to put public pressure on them! We walk you through how to do it.
Blue Heart Events This Month
Making Money Move Virtual Meetup
January 26, 12-1pm PT
Note: We originally said this event would happen on January 20th; however, in light of many Inauguration Day actions, we decided to move the event to later.
During this 1 hour session, join other Blue Heart members to:
Create a personal action plan to move your money out of DAPL-funding banks
Take the first few steps of your plan (i.e., selecting a credit union and calling them to open a new account)
Troubleshoot any divestment stumbling blocks you have run into and get your questions about divestment answered

Meet Our January Artist

"Art isn't a luxury;
art can and must be
a tool for liberation."
- Francis Mead
Francis Mead is an educator, a romantic, an artist, a dreamer, and the love child of Harriet Tubman, Frida Kahlo, and Chaka Khan. Growing up poor, mixed race, and a woman, she was struck by the inequalities that the racist, sexist, capitalist system we live under created. For her there is no such thing as 'art for arts sake'. Her art, whether it be film making, paintings, poetry, or drawings, always has a purpose. Francis is propelled to make art in order to survive, to heal, and to speak the truth to the people. For her, art isn't a luxury; art can and must be a tool for liberation. But it must also be celebratory and full of life; a way to build community with people and spread love and inspiration. The balance of all these things reflects the essence of who Francis is, and often brings to mind one of her favorite quotes by Zora Neal Hurston, "I love myself when I am laughing...and then again when I am looking mean and impressive."
Meet the Movement Leaders
Kandi Mossett (Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara) of the Indigenous Environmental Network tells the story of growing up rural North Dakota, fighting cancer off in her early 20's, and becoming an "accidental activist" in the search for a brighter future for her people and the planet.
After completing her Master’s Degree in Environmental Management, Ms. Mossett began her work with the IEN as Tribal Campus Climate Challenge Coordinator, engaging with more than 30 tribal colleges to instate community based environmental programs, discuss issues of socio-ecologic injustice, and connect indigenous youth with green jobs. She currently serves as the IEN’s Native Energy & Climate Campaign Organizer, focusing at present on creating awareness about the environmentally & socially devastating effects of fossil fuel extraction.
Recommended readings and resources for Blue Heart members, curated by Indigenous Environmental Network & Blue Heart staff
10 min read
For many Americans not familiar with Native American struggles, the intensity and momentum of Standing Rock protest was surprising. But Standing Rock is just the most recent of a long history of indigenous organizing and continued struggle for basic human rights, cultural sovereignty, and protection of sacred lands. This article simply and powerful lays out some of the backstory. In the author’s words, “[Standing Rock] is the frontline. It is the future.”
The Legal Case Against the Pipeline
8 minute read
The stunning and legally complex backdrop to DAPL’s construction--how Energy Transfer Partners is breaking laws, the racism pervading court proceedings, and why the Standing Rock Sioux has every right to reclaim the land on which DAPL is being built.
On the Frontline at Standing Rock
30 min short film
This Aljazeera journalistic documentary provides a unique window into the lives and stories of those on the front lines of Standing Rock and connects their struggle with other fights for indigenous rights across the U.S.
What Comes Next for the #NoDAPL Struggle
4 min read
A statement by a coalition of grassroots groups that were central organizing bodies at Standing Rock about next steps for the NoDAPL fight. “This fight is not over...in fact, this fight is escalating. The incoming Trump administration promises to be a friend to the oil industry and an enemy to Indigenous people...Now more than ever, we ask that you stand with us as we continue to demand justice.”
The Women of Standing Rock (photo series)
5 min browse
With strength, resolve, and grace, these water protectors are leading the peaceful movement. Photographer Celine Guiout captured the powerful stories and photos of these indigenous women leaders and female allies of European descent.
“They are telling us to go home, but they don't understand that we are already home.” - Tosha Luger
Blue Heart Impact: Your Dollars at Work
Each month, at least $10 of your subscription goes to that month's partner organization. For Boost Up Members, $20/mo or more goes to our partners. To boost up your giving next month, click here.
By choosing to be a Blue Heart member you are investing in social change not supported by traditional philanthropy. We believe that model is broken. Responding to the root causes of injustice requires building the self-determination of the communities most marginalized by our dominant, extractive economy. And this means funding the small, scrappy, movement-building organizations on the front lines. By voting with your dollar, you believe this type of transformation is possible.
This month, we sent $1,100 to the Indigenous Environmental Network.
Our goal is to send at least $2,500/month to our grassroots partner organizations by March 1.
Will you help grow the Blue Heart community?
90 percent of our new members have joined because an existing member personally recommended it to them via email or social media.
We ask you to share Blue Heart with 1 person today.

Next month you will be funding the Arab Resources Organizing Center (AROC), working to empower the Bay Area Arab community through leadership development and political education.
Upcoming at Blue Heart...